This international society is a Catholic lay organization with the mission to serve those that are in need. The focus is on persons and families requesting financial, food, and other temporary assistance who live within the parish area. Meetings are every other Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in the parish administrative center at St. Mary. New members are always welcome. Contact St. Vincent de Paul at 724-939-3483 to request support or if interested in learning more about the St. Vincent DePaul Society at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish.
Originally founded in Paris, France in 1833, its name was taken from a French Priest (1580-1660) dedicated to caring for the poor. The focus is on persons and families requesting financial, food, and other temporary assistance who live within the parish area without regard to religion. Clients typically contact the parish office and are then referred by phone to the members of the SVdP. Urgent or emergency situations are addressed immediately. Clients outside our area are referred to an appropriate conference. Members do home visits in pairs to assess each situation, which is the tradition, originating in the command of Jesus to his apostles. Funds are obtained from periodic collections in church, plus donations in the poor boxes at church entrances. Additional volunteers are always welcome.