Hello & Welcome! Please browse through the information below. Each link will take you to important information.
Welcome to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
Welcome from the Pastor
Liturgy Schedule
Campus Map St. Ursula
Campus Map St. Mary
Parish Staff
Parish Leadership Councils
Ministry and Faith Development Opportunities
* Liturgical Ministries
* Spiritual Ministries
* Community Ministries
Faith Formation
Traditional Catholic Schools
Youth Ministry
Young Family Ministry
Mental Health & Well-Being Ministry
Annual Mission Trip
Fish Fry
Flea Market
On behalf of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, welcome!
We are pleased that you have chosen Our Lady of Perpetual Help and hope that you will soon call this faith community your home. All are welcome at OLPH!
The Sunday liturgy is the very heart of life here at OLPH, the source and summit of all we do. Through our sacramental life, we celebrate the spiritual milestones of our lives. A comprehensive religious education program guides all of us to an encounter with Christ – from toddlers to seniors – along our spiritual journey. We gather in prayer and in service to praise and give thanks. We gather to share faith, our gifts, and ourselves.
Parishioners at Our Lady of Perpetual Help engage in active participation to assist those in need, locally and abroad, through outreach ministries. With over 50 ministries, volunteers generously contribute their time and talent. Your participation is welcome and greatly valued within our parish community.
There are also a variety of gatherings throughout the year which provide an environment for socializing and other activities. We encourage you to join our community as we gather together to celebrate with our fellow parishioners.
Enclosed in this packet is additional information about Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the history of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and a Ministry Directory.
If you have any additional questions or would like more information, please refer to the Sunday Bulletin, the parish website (www.olphpgh.org), stop by the Administrative center, or call (412) 486-4100.
Dear Friends,
“There is no place like home.”, and that is what we hope that Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish will be for you – a home away from home.
When the Diocese of Pittsburgh underwent extensive
reorganization and our parish was formed in 2021, we chose as our parish vision, “We welcome all to encounter Jesus and to serve others with love.” And this is how we hope to
become your spiritual home.
We want you to feel welcome and that OLPH is some place where you and your family feel like you belong.
We want you to encounter Jesus and to experience all he has to offer you – the strength, the peace, the joy – as you come to know Him better and fall more in love with Him, through the Scriptures and the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
And we want you to know that we need your gifts – your time, treasure and talent. It is in giving that we receive and the more that you share of yourself, the more that you will
become transformed and so will the parish.
We are so glad and grateful that you chose OLPH to be your spiritual home and family and hope that you discover that this is the place where heaven and earth come together for you.
Your servant,
Fr. Tim Whalen