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Liturgy is an important part of our faith-filled lives!
In this area, you will find out about the many aspects of the liturgy-based ministries. If you are interested in learning more, please contact those listed or call the rectories
Administrative Center 412-486-4100
From the early church to the present time, whenever the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered, there was someone to assist the priest, prepare the altar, light the candles, participate in the prayers, assist the priest celebrant, and help after Mass.
Young people of the parish in grades four through twelve are eligible to assist priests as servers at liturgies, weddings, and special liturgical functions. It is an honor to serve the parish community in this ministry and parents and guardians are encouraged to ask their children to consider being an altar server.
Adults of the parish are welcome to assist as altar servers for funerals. Please contact the rectory if interested in this ministry.
“One who sings prays twice.” This phrase, preached by St. Augustine in one of his sermons, captures the essence of our liturgical worship. It is often misstated that ‘Music enhances liturgy.’ This is not true: Music is liturgy, an inseparable aspect of all Catholic traditions. Our musical acts in our liturgy represent the collective and collaborative sacrifice, one mandated by God in the Psalms.
Adult Traditional Choir: This choir enhances the 9:00 am Mass at St. Mary and the 10:00 am Mass at St. Ursula. Sunday liturgy with music from classical, traditional, and contemporary styles of choral music. They are also called upon to provide music for special celebrations such as the Easter Vigil and "Midnight Mass" at Christmas. We are looking for singers in all voice ranges. The adult choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm.
Children’s Choir: This group is open to anyone from third to eighth grade and provides musical leadership for Sunday liturgies and school liturgies. It is a parish choir that rehearses on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 4:30 pm.
Contemporary Group: This group provides contemporary, upbeat musical praise for the 6:00 pm Sunday mass at St. Ursula. The group is comprised of singers and a rhythm section. We will audition any interested singer or instrumentalist. The Contemporary group practices on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm.
Cantors: The cantors help to lead the assembly in sung prayer at all masses. A good voice and some ability to read music is required. Cantors rehearse as schedules permit.
Handbell Choir: A five-octave set of handbells is used by this group to embellish and enhance many liturgies throughout the year. Some ability to read music is required for this group. The handbell choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 8:00 pm.
Brass: Brass is assembled for special occasions and consists of volunteers from the church and outside people. Experienced players are encouraged to audition for this group.
Instrumentalists: Any instrumental ability is welcome and will be considered.
Lazarus Choir: A group of singers that come and provide musical leadership for funeral liturgies.
Please feel free to contact Robert Kardasz, Director of Music Ministries Click here to email Phone: 412-486-4100
“While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26:26-29
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (sometimes colloquially referred to as "Eucharistic Ministers") assist the priest at the Mass in the distribution of Holy Communion and may also assist in bringing Holy Communion to the elderly and home-bound members of the parish.
To be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion a candidate must be:
1. Appointed by the pastor and be at least 18 years of age
2. Mature in faith and known to other parishioners as a practicing Catholic in good standing in the Catholic Church
3. Able to attend training to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
4. Able to meet the Diocesan guidelines for “Protecting God’s Children” and attend mandatory training
5. Willing to participate in all facets of the ministry, including an annual meeting, special liturgies, and service projects for the parish.
6. Able to commit to scheduled masses
In addition to regularly scheduled masses, ministers may serve members of the parish who are homebound and also at funerals. Each aspect of the ministry is scheduled separately, so a minister may serve any one of them or all of them, whichever is their desire.
Welcoming parishioners and visitors to Our Lady of Perpetual Help when they come to celebrate the Liturgy is the pleasant task of individuals involved in the ministry of Greeters. Families, couples, and individuals are encouraged to participate in this ministry of hospitality at any Liturgy they choose to attend.
Are you interested in becoming a Greeter?
If you think you’re interested in participating in the Greeter Ministry, please call the administrative center at 412-486-4100.
Call the administrative center at 412-486-4100 if you are interested in being a reader.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
The Reader serves the members of the parish by proclaiming the First and Second Readings during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass or other liturgical celebrations. For the members of the parish to be able to fully appreciate the inspired Word of God, Readers must be able to proclaim with clarity, self-confidence, and full appreciation of Scriptural texts.
There are youth and adult readers.
The Adult liturgical reader is:
A baptized member of the Catholic Church who has been duly prepared and trained
At least high school age and who has the necessary vocal skills and maturity to proclaim the Word of God
Devoted to preparing and practicing the Scriptural texts before any liturgy
Willing to participate in the entire spectrum of Ministry, including annual meetings, special liturgies, and service for the parish such as festival staffing
The Adult liturgical reader has:
A love for the Bible and a desire to share this Word with others
Adequate availability to abide faithfully by a schedule
Adequate public speaking skills to be able to proclaim a variety of biblical texts (narrative, dialogue, poetry, etc)
Completed the mandatory diocesan child protection clearance process
Any youth in Grades 5-8 may participate in the Youth Reader Ministry if they have the maturity, self-confidence, and vocal skills to proclaim the Scripture to a full assembly during Mass. Youth Readers will be trained. Youth Readers have the opportunity to read 2-3 times per year. All texts are supplied to the Youth Readers to practice with their families in preparation for liturgy.
Ushers represent a helpful and valuable addition to the celebration of the Liturgy.
The ushers help greet the people as they enter for Mass. If needed, they find seating when the church is full, help those who may be disabled, and assist anyone who takes ill. In addition to these items, the ushers are responsible for collecting the offertory and completing several little tasks, such as opening and closing the windows, turning the lights on and off, straightening hymn books for the next Mass, and locking up after the last Mass.
Please contact the administrative center at 412-486-4100 if you are interested in being an Usher.
The Decorating Committee is responsible for visually preparing the church to reflect and focus on the meaning of the liturgical season. The Decorating Committee is made up of volunteers who help with floral arranging, the crafting and assembly of décor, placement of greens, and various other tasks. The decorating budget is funded by donations to the Flower Fund at Christmas and Easter. Please contact the rectory if you would like to participate.